Looking for clear braces in Plainview?
Studies suggest that smiling is not only an important nonverbal indicator of happiness, but can actually make us feel less stress. Are you reaping the full benefits of your smile? Patients with crooked, spaced or crowded teeth commonly report that they feel self-conscious about their smile. The professionals at Gitlin Dental Group offer the most modern solutions in orthodontia to align your bite, including Invisalign clear braces in Plainview.
Clear Braces in Plainview
Among the most popular options for orthodontic treatment are Invisalign clear braces in Plainview. Using highly sophisticated computer imaging technology, your dentist can carefully analyze your smile, simulating and prescribing the most exact and appropriate course of orthodontic treatment to correct your bite. That’s right—dentistry has gone digital! But, rest assured, the results are quite real! Treatment with Invisalign is prescribed through a successive series of custom, clear retainers. And by custom, we mean completely one-of-a-kind, carefully tailored to the specifications and needs of your mouth. Smooth to the touch and made from the highest quality materials, Invisalign is designed to be extremely comfortable, and virtually invisible. But best of all, Invisalign clear braces in Plainview are removeable. That means that you needn’t worry when it’s time to eat. It also means that you can continue to maintain excellent oral hygiene, brushing and flossing just like before!
Whereas traditional braces require fine tuning and adjustments throughout the course of treatment, with Invisalign clear braces in Plainview you simply move through your course of aligners, each pair getting closer and closer to that perfected alignment for your smile.
Don’t deprive the world of your beautiful smile! Come to the experienced professionals at your Plainview dental office to find out if Invisalign is right for you. To schedule your next appointment, call Gitlin Dental Group at the number provided below.