Bethpage Dental Implants
Curious about dental implants in Bethpage? This article will help you to understand whether dental implants are right for you.
Dental Implants in Bethpage
First, what are dental implants? Dental implants are small surgical posts that act as the foundation for replacement teeth. Placed beneath the gums and into the jawbone, they eventually integrate with the surrounding bone and function just like the root of a natural tooth. This makes it possible for them to give the strength and support that replacement teeth need to function well. Dental implants can be used to support a new crown, a fixed bridge and even add stability to removable partial and full dentures.
It’s important to note that dental implants come the closest to replicating the look, feel, and function of your natural teeth. It is also the only method of tooth replacement that does not require the involvement or preparation of the adjacent teeth and can help to restore facial contours in areas where significant bone loss has occurred
If you’re interested in receiving dental implants in Bethpage, our dentist will be happy to discuss what they can do for your smile and explain every aspect of the procedure to you. We’ll do a careful assessment of your mouth and jaws to make sure you have healthy gums and enough jawbone to support any dental implants that you need. Furthermore, we’ll also tell you if you need any additional procedures to prepare the area to successfully receive a dental implant.
Restoring your smile with dental implants in Bethpage will give you renewed confidence in showing off your pearly whites. Call our office today and take the first step towards reestablishing a beautiful and healthy smile.