Does visiting the dentist make you fearful? Do you have a low pain tolerance and feel anxious when you think about common dental procedures that you may need? If so, you are in very good company. It’s estimated that up to 20 percent of Americans avoid the dentist because of fear. For up to 10 percent of those people, the fear is so intense that it falls under the “dental phobia” category in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Whether your anxiety is moderate or severe, sedation dentistry can help.
Sedation Options
At Smile in the City, we offer several types of sedation that can help you feel comfortable, safe and relaxed in the dental chair. They include:
- Nitrous oxide (otherwise known as laughing gas)
- IV sedation
- Oral sedation
Nitrous oxide is commonly known as laughing gas, but it doesn’t actually make you giddy. It does, however, help you feel at-ease and euphoric. This type of sedation wears of almost instantly once the mask that delivers the gas is removed from your nose.
Dr. Ari Gitlin and his team may recommend IV sedation if you’re getting ready to receive a complicated procedure or if your dental anxiety is severe. This type of sedation can also be used to help special needs’ patients remain calm during treatment. Dr. Schmidt relies on the help of a skilled anesthesiologist to make sure you remain safe during IV sedation. When you awake, you’ll remember little to none of the procedure.
Oral sedation induces feelings of relaxation and grogginess so you can receive dental treatment without experiencing fear or anxiety. You will be instructed to take this type of sedation in the form of a prescription pill about an hour before your scheduled appointment.
Your Sedation Experts
When you remove anxiety from the equation, your dental appointments can be relaxing and even pleasant. Schedule your sedation consulation today with our doctors, Dr. Ari Gitlin, Dr. Michael Gitlin, and Dr. Dmitry Malayev, in our office in Roslyn, NY.