Sedation dentistry in Plainview
If you’re searching for top of the line dental care in Plainview, NY, you’ll want to come visit the experienced dentists at Gitlin Dental Group for treatment. Providing the highest quality care, our dentists are accomplished in their ability to replace and restore missing or damaged teeth, provide emergency, restorative, as well as first rate cosmetic and pediatric dentistry. Whether you’re in search of a Plainview sedation dentist for dental implants, the utmost quality restorations for your smile, or gentle and compassionate care for your children’s oral health, our dentists have got you and your family covered. Warmly welcoming new patients at any age to our state-of-the-art practice in Plainview, we look forward to providing the highly-individualized care that you and your loved ones deserve.
Making use of some of the most sophisticated treatment options and technology, at Gitlin Dental Group, your Plainview sedation dentist offers oral and IV sedation for patients with dental anxiety. Whether you’re phobic about a particular procedure or just anxious about getting dental work done, our dentists do their utmost to keep patients comfortable and at ease during their visit. It’s an unfortunate statistic that over 15% of adult patients in the US avoid dental treatment due to fears or misconceptions about their procedure. Delaying treatment can only make conditions worse, and require more invasive treatment later on. By providing oral and IV sedation for our anxious patients, our practice demonstrates its unwavering commitment to the continued oral health of our community. With oral sedation, medication is prescribed and taken prior to the procedure, to quell anxiety throughout the procedure. Alternatively, with carefully monitored IV sedation for patients with more severe anxiety, a deeper level of relaxation is achieved.
Whichever option turns out to be right for you, visiting your Plainview sedation dentist at Gitlin Dental Group for your necessary treatment is a great choice. For the quality care of a thoughtful and conscientious professional, call to schedule your appointment at the number below.