Where can I find Plainview sedation dentistry?
If you’re in need of a dental procedure that requires oral surgery, the experienced professionals at Gitlin Dental Group offer gentle, conscientious care to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Highly experienced in a wide range of sophisticated dentistry procedures, whether you’re seeking dental implants, sleep apnea treatment, or emergency care, they offer the full scope of sedation options for their patients, so you can get the care you need, without the stress. For patients with dental anxiety or phobia at any level, Gitlin Dental Group is an indispensable resource for Plainview sedation dentistry, and their team will do their utmost to ensure your comfort and ease during your visit.
Plainview Sedation Dentistry
The most commonly used form of Plainview sedation dentistry is with nitrous oxide, an inhaled gas that acts nearly immediately, and wears off just as quickly. Nitrous oxide is highly effective at making patients feel relaxed and at ease for their procedure, and typically enables patients to travel to and from their appointment without an escort. For patients with mild to moderate anxiety, oral sedation may be prescribed in advance. With oral sedation, patients are usually required to take their prescribed medication a few hours prior to their visit. With oral sedation, you can expect to feel completely relaxed for your treatment, and the effects typically don’t wear off until hours after your procedure. For more severe cases of anxiety or phobia, IV sedation is also made available, carefully monitored by your experienced dentist. With IV sedation, while still be conscious, most patients remember little to nothing from their treatment.
Prior to the prescription of any sedation, your dentist will carefully review your medical records and make sure that sedation is an appropriate option for you. If you suffer from dental anxiety, or require oral surgery, go to the experienced professionals who combine highly precise treatment along with the convenience of Plainview sedation dentistry. For the best of both worlds, contact Gitlin Dental Group for your oral health today!