Have you been having a tough time getting a restorative night’s sleep? You may be one of millions across the US who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a chronic condition which interferes with your ordinary sleep patterns, making a restorative night’s rest seem like a distant dream. Whether you’ve been experiencing chronic fatigue, or a bed partner has noticed your snoring or abruptly waking up in the middle of the night, it’s best to have yourself evaluated to see if you have Plainview sleep apnea. At Gitlin Dental Group, their experienced team of dentists provide a wide array of advanced dentistry services, from the highest quality restorative, emergency, and cosmetic treatments for your smile, to the latest solutions in dental sleep medicine.
Plainview sleep apnea
Treatment for Plainview sleep apnea is best understood when we consider what causes the condition in the first place. With mild to moderate cases of OSA, the soft tissues of the mouth and throat relax to the point of obstructing the airway. The result is loud snoring as the skin vibrates with the passage of air. The difficulty with OSA is that partial or temporary obstruction of the airway interrupts the flow of oxygen to the brain. Sleep apnea can present in the sleep patterns of patients in varying degrees. Throughout the night, OSA can stop breathing hundreds of times a night, for anywhere from a few seconds to over a minute at a time. Some of the major warning signs of OSA include daytime sleepiness or fatigue, morning headaches, loud snoring, memory loss, and unrefreshing sleep.
If you think you may be suffering from the effects of Plainview sleep apnea, it’s important to meet with your dentist as soon as possible. With mild to moderate cases, treatment can involve a wearing a comfortable oral appliance at bed time, designed to keep your airway open throughout the night. To learn more about the dental sleep medicine services being offered at Gitlin Dental Group, call to schedule your next appointment with one of their experienced dentists today.