How Sedation Dentistry Can Improve Your Dental Experience

a dental implant patient having anxiety about an upcoming procedure

Questions About Sedation Dentistry? Are you anxious about an upcoming dental procedure? You are not alone. Up to 30% of people express anxiety and concerns about discomfort or pain that can be associated with dental procedures. This can often cause a delay in seeking much needed treatment, which can, in turn, worsen the dental issue. […]

Is It Time to Consider Sedation Dentistry?

a dental patient smiling after dental implant surgery with sedation

Does visiting the dentist make you fearful? Do you have a low pain tolerance and feel anxious when you think about common dental procedures that you may need? If so, you are in very good company. It’s estimated that up to 20 percent of Americans avoid the dentist because of fear.  For up to 10 […]